Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question
It is important to ensure that prior to selling or purchasing a handbag, the handbag is authentic to avoid loss of money or face legal issues from the brand. This could result in you or your company if you are a resale business, have legal action taken against you which would cause damage to your established business.
All handbags purchased directly from the brands boutique or licenced authorised retailers will be 100% authentic. However, if you are looking to purchase from a third party who reassures you that they have purchased the handbag directly from the brand and have the receipt to confirm this. You should always ensure you get this authenticated by a skilled, experienced authenticator. Receipts can often be fake or copied from genuine receipts.
Yes, many people often misplace their authenticity cards or purchase a handbag with no authenticity card. Authenticity cards are also counterfeited and many counterfeit handbags come with a authenticity card, dust bag, box, receipt which are all easily counterfeited.
Authentications and valuations will be provided within 24 hours business hours Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00 GMT.
Luxe Lotte Authentication Services are an independent authentication service that provides opinions on the authenticity of luxury products. We are not certified by, affiliated, associated, authorised, endorsed by, or in anyway connected to Chanel or any other brands mentioned on our website, advertising material or social media pages.
All opinions delivered by Charlotte Ashley T/A Luxe Lotte Authentication Services are explicitly and expressly provided as opinions based on self authentication training, expertise and personal opinions of luxury goods. Luxe Lotte Authentication Services endeavors that their opinions are accurate and takes all necessary steps to ensure our analysis is 99% accurate.
Luxe Lotte provide tailored packages to suit the needs of your business, for more information please email and we can discuss packages or contract work that suit your business requirements.
No. All authentications are carried out by Charlotte Ashley and no third party involvement.
Copyright © 2023 Luxe Lotte LIMITED T/A LUXE LOTTE Authentication Services - All Rights Reserved - lUXE LOTTE LIMITED IS A COMPANY REGISTERED ENGLAND AND WALES (COMPANY NUMBER 14763110) 167-169 Great Portland Street, 5th Floor, London, England, W1W 5PF